I am Goedele De Nolf, mother of three children, bio-ingeneer by former education and since 10 years I have found my mission in Classical Homeopathy. I did my basic training in Homeopathy at the Center for Classical Homeopathy in Leuven. I have added to this training several seminars in Belgium and abroud and extra apprenticeships with Homeopaths in Leuven and Antwerp. I am also a teacher in Homeopathy at the C.K.H. in Leuven, visiting teacher in Novi Sad (Servie) and I give courses and lectures for nurses and midwifes and broad audience on invititation.
The Homeopats that have shared there knowledge and experience with me for a short or longer time are: Anne Vervarcke, Anne Verkinderen, Alfons Geukens, Alize Timmerman,Bhawisha en Shachindra Joshi, Catherine Charfstein, Divya Chabra, Farhad Adajania, Farok Master, Fillip Lommaert, Henny Heudens, Hilde Vanthuynen, Jan Scholten, Jayesh Shah, Jean-Luc Vanderlinden, Jenny Tree, Johannes Latzel, Melissa Burch, Nanditah Shah, Peter Chappel, Peter Smolders, Rajan Sankaran, Ries Ijsseldijk, Robert Verstraeten, Wim Serneels, Chaim Rosenthal… I am very gratefull to them.
I am a member of the professional organisation VKH. If you had your medical insurance at “Vlaams Neutraal Ziekenfonds” or “Partena” you can get a reinbursement of 10 euro for my consultation.